COVID-19 Protocols


COVID-19 Safety Protocols for Portland Youth Dance:

Please answer the COVID screening questions below before coming into the studio.  If you answer yes to any of the following questions, stay home and email your director.

  • Within the past 24 hours have you had a fever or used fever-reducing medication?
  • Do you feel sick, had vomiting/diarrhea, fever, sore throat, or felt unwell?
  • Have you been asked to quarantine due to COVID-19 exposure?

-Until further notice, masks covering the nose and mouth must be worn at all times regardless of vaccination status.

-Dancers must wash hands or use one of the many hands sanitizing stations when entering and exiting the building. 

-Windows and doors will be open during classes to circulate fresh air. Dress in layers as the temperatures continue to drop! Both HVAC and air purifiers are running in all studios. 

-The lobby is closed at this time. Dancers should enter the building on their own and meet their caregivers in the alleyway by the lobby entrance. 

-Outside shoes are not permitted beyond the mats in the lobby. 

-Floors and high touch surfaces will be sanitized after each rehearsal and the studios will be deep cleaned several times per week. 

-Restrooms will be available, however, showers will be closed until further notice. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact: angie@portlandyouth dance OR